Interview : Single Mum With 2 Child (Singapore)

“In this day and age, there is no such thing as gay, straight, lesbian or labels like that. You like that person, you go with that person.” – Kumar, local comedian and drag queen extraordinaire.

Can a person’s romantic inclinations go beyond borders and redefine one’s sexual orientation? Is (romantic) love… genderless? It’s scientifically proven that we’re all born bisexual, but our sexual orientation is conditioned by too many factors that we shall not discuss in this article.

I spoke to my friend Angelina recently, divorced with 2 kids and currently dating Ellen, a butch. I was curious to find out how she finds balance between being in a lesbian relationship and raising 2 children with her ex-husband.


"Morality becomes hypocrisy if it means accepting mothers' suffering or dying in connection with unwanted pregnancies and illegal abortions and unwanted children." - Gro Harlem Brundtland

The Women's Organization Austrlia

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Unplanned pregnancy: Stories from women

Unplanned pregnancies are very common. In Australia, there are around 200,000 each year.

Women will face the following options:
  • continuing the pregnancy
  • abortion
  • alternative care-arrangements (like adoption).

Lots of women tell us they can talk to friends, family or partners about their decision. Some women may not have spoken to anyone about what they’re going through.

While each woman’s situation is unique, it can be useful to hear stories from women who have been in similar situations, like those below.

Unplanned pregnancy & abortion: How would you help a friend?